The Franklin’s tale
His tables Tolletanes forth he brought,
His Toledan tables forth he brought,
Ful wel corrected, ne ther lakked nought,
Full well corrected, there he lacked nothing,
Neither his collect ne his expans yeeris,
Neither his collect nor his expans years,
Ne his rootes, ne his othere geeris,
Nor his roots, nor his other gear,
As been his centris and his argumentz
As are his centers and his arguments,
And his proporcioneles convenient
And his proportionals convenient
For his equacions in every thyng.
For his equations in everything.
And by his eighte speere in his wirkyng
And by the eighth sphere in its working
He knew ful wel how fer Alnath was shove
He knew full well how far Alnath was shoved
Fro the heed of thilke fixe Aries above,
From the head of that fixed Aries above,
That in the ninthe speere considered is;
That in the ninth sphere considered is;
Ful subtilly he kalkuled al this.
Full subtly he calculated all this.
Whan he hadde founde his firste mansioun,
When he had found his first mansion,
He knew the remenaunt by proporcioun,
He knew the remnant by proportion,
And knew the arisyng of his moone weel,
And knew the arising of his moon well,
And in whos face, and terme, and everydeel;
And in whose face, and term, and everything
And knew ful weel the moones mansioun
And knew full well the moon’s mansion
Accordaunt to his operacioun,
According to his operation,
And knew also his othere observaunces
And knew also his other observances
For swiche illusiouns and swiche meschaunces
For such illusions and such mischances
As hethen folk useden in thilke dayes.
As heathen folk used in those days.
For which no lenger maked he delayes,
For which no longer made he delays,
But thurgh his magik, for a wyke or tweye,
But through his magic, for a week or two,
It semed that alle the rokkes were aweye.
It seemed that all the rocks were away.
A birtokos meséje
Mikor is végre oly időre lel,
mely fondorlatra, ravaszságra jó,
ráolvasásra, éppen, hogy való,
fog egy Toledói Táblázatot1,
hiánytalant és pontról pontra jót,
benne hússzoros-év2 meg egyes-év,
idők jegyzése s más eféle még:
mérőpont meg alkalmas csillag-ív,
aránylat is benne foglaltatik,
miáltal pontos számitást tehet.
Nyolc szférákat, hogy számitásba vett,
látja, a Kos fejétől messzejár
az Alnath3 csillag, azt is tudja már,
a kilencedik szférában van ez,
mert erről ravasz számítást szerez.
A Hold első házát4, hogy ismeri,
a többi számot könnyen megleli,
mikor kél e Hold, nem marad titok,
mily jegyben s hogy, mindent kiszámitott;
megtudta, hogy a Hold mikor halad
ugy, hogy varázsra jó alkalmat ad;
s még sok titkos dolgokat végbevitt,
mi ily ügyekhez szükségeltetik
s mit rég müvelni a pogány szokott.
Igy késlekedni nem látván okot,
oly varázst szerzett egy vagy két hetekre:
mintha e helyről minden szirt kiveszne.